Here's a list of the notable games I have worked on or created. I hope you see something cool!
DreamWild was my first full game to be made in 3D. This presented a lot of unique challenges for me, but I am very happy with how the final product has come out, and I have learned so much along the way. DreamWild was a solo project, so all Assets, including models, music, art, code, etc. had to be made from scratch. DreamWild runs in the Unity Engine. The most fun part for this project was creating a game which could switch between gameplay styles so quickly. Intentionally recreating the 3D rendering styles of the late 90's prerenders was a fun challenge, and gave the game a unique look.
DashBored was the first game I released. Some time in my sophmore year of highschool, I decided that I wanted to make an finish a game, and nothing would stop me. I managed to create DashBored as a solo project, creating all art assets for the game and beginning the development of my skills. It was a great learning experience, and I believe that DashBored has done more to develop my abilities than anything else I have done. Since release, I have steadily updated DashBored with content and improvements. Over time, the game has developed a small but dedicated fanbase!
Another Solo Project, NashBored was created over the course of three weeks to act as a sort of 'DashBored Holiday Special'. It was a great experience in making a lot of content in a short amount of time. I'm not sure if I would ever do something like that again, but I definitely am glad that NashBored exists, and it was a fun challenge to undertake.
Blade Breaker Sword Taker was a GMTK jam game I took part in, acting as the project's Composer and Sound Designer. As the Composer for a small team, it was my job to communicate with my fellow teammates to create a sound which fit the concept, as well as the audio personality that the team had envisioned, rewriting compositions when necessary. It was fun to work in a group environment like this, as it allowed me to move outside of my general comfort zone when it comes to musical sound.